If you have been looking for ways to help your teen with organization, time-management, motivation, attitude and other common adolescent issues, then Teens on Track is the solution. The format of the program is simple. We offer an 8-week program structures to help your child get back on track scholastically, socially and personally. The following example best illustrates the way in which the program works.
A Sample Case Study
"The Disinterested Student"
Student "Mike" comes in with his parents for a consultation. Mom & Dad have noticed a decline in Mike's grades and feel that he is more defiant than normal. They explain that in 8th grade, he had a 3.8, but now after a few semesters of high school, he is barely pulling a 2.5. They know that he has the potential to do much better in school, but he has become lazy and unmotivated. He has lost interest in sports, friends and seems to only be happy when he is playing video games.
Starting the 8-Week Program
After some introductions and a discussion with the life coach, Mike and his parents decide to give the 8-week program a try. Mike meets with a Life Coach for one hour each week. The life-coach begins by assessing Mike's current standing in school. They go over grades, discuss upcoming homework assignments, email teachers and figure out what is standing in the way of Mike's success. The next 7 weeks each address the following issues: Time-Management, Organization, Learning Style, Getting Along (with peers and teachers), Artistic Expression, Positive Thinking, Social Skills and Homework Support. Overall, Mike is learning to become the best version of himself.
Working to His Strengths
Because Mike is struggling with time-management, we spend a little extra time in this department. He is also very artistic and influenced by several musicians. He is a fantastic guitar player and spends hours in his room strumming chords. The Life Coach shows Mike that the same determination can carry over to other aspects of his life. He possesses the trait of perseverance, now he must choose where he decides to apply it.
By Week 4
Mike's parents can see a positive shift in attitude and claim that he doesn't even mind coming to the sessions. Just having someone else reinforcing his positive traits has helped out a great deal!
The Results
Each week Mike becomes more proactive and assertive. He begins to take charge of his life and realize this potential. Mike knows that each week, his coach will review progress and he feels a sense of accountability to someone besides his parents. Even his teachers have noticed that he is much more accountable with schoolwork and they appreciate the fact that he is emailing them with questions and concern about his grades. It is typical for many students to want to carry on with the program beyond the initial 8 weeks. Many of my students have found the benefit of coaching and have stayed on as client for many years!
Can We Help Your Teen?
Teens on Track has one main goal: to help your child. To find out if your child would benefit from either my 8 week program, read the questions below. If you answer yes to any of the questions, please contact us to set up a consultation.